December 27, 2021 by Dr. Milana Skoric
We are talking about acupuncture.
Did you know that this medical technique has more than 8,000 years of history? There is proof that even in the Neolithic period they used needles made of stone on humans (stone needles).
Veterinary acupuncture started with a group of practitioners, one of them was a guy called Zhao Fu who used hemo-acupuncture to treat horse diseases around 950 B.C. and another one called Bo Le used acupuncture to identify good race horses.
Anyway, lets come back to the present!
Cats and dogs, or animals in general, can benefit a lot from the Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) – acupuncture. To start the acupuncture journey, the patient has to be checked by a certified acupuncturist.
In TCVM everything is connected and forms one big family. The goal is to have “ a happy, healthy family “ (balance in the body ).
The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, similar to the Traditional Chinese Medicine for humans, sees the organs like individuals, like family members. The heart is the wife of the small intestine, the large intestine is the husband of the lungs. Everything is connected and in relation to each other. In the Chinese way of thinking fire is a child of wood and metal is a mother of water.
According to TCVM, organ functions, and eventually organ failures, can be seen in the eyes or on the tongue.
Pulse can be slippery… Sounds complicated?
Don’t worry! More than 300 points can be used to make “the family happy”
By using the needles to stimulate acupuncture points we can treat many conditions:
The patient doesn’t have to be sick to benefit from the acupuncture. Happy hormones (serotonin, dopamine, endorphins) are always more than welcome! Everyone deserves to be happy, relaxed and in balance.
Myth: It hurts.
Fact: Needles are very thin, so the patient will barley feel a thing, even if multiple needles are used.
Myth: Only works on few symptoms.
Fact: It is connected with everything in the body: bones, organs, hormones, CNS, pain, inflammation.
Myth: It is not safe.
Fact: Side effects are not even worthy to be mentioned. Needles are sterile and for one-time use only.
Myth: Take hours.
Fact: Sessions are short, can only take from 5 to 30 minutes.
Myth: It hurts.
Fact: Needles are very thin, so the patient will barley feel a thing, even if multiple needles are used.
Myth: Only works on few symptoms.
Fact: It is connected with everything in the body: bones, organs, hormones, CNS, pain, inflammation.
Myth: It is not safe.
Fact: Side effects are not even worthy to be mentioned. Needles are sterile and for one-time use only.
Myth: Take hours.
Fact: Sessions are short, can only take from 5 to 30 minutes.
Fun fact: TCVM uses Yin and Yang, Hot and Cold, the 5 elements ( Earth, Wood, Water, Fire and Metal ) and many other things to make a pattern (diagnosis) before the treatment can start.
If your pet looks like our next acupuncture candidate, do not hesitate to contact us and together we can get to the point!
Veterinary Surgeon
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