Gold beads are a form of permanent acupuncture where the “needle” stays in the acupuncture point, hence permanently produces a stimulus. The beads are inserted into the acupuncture points through a needle. The procedure is done in a sterile operating room with the patient under general anaesthesia.
The stimulus, the beads cause in the acupuncture points, include blocking pain pathways back to the brain as well as causing the release of endorphins and serotonin.
If you want to know more check out these two studies:
Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the pain-relieving effects of the implantation of gold beads into dogs with hip dysplasia: Click this link.
Two years follow-up study of the pain-relieving effect of gold bead implantation in dogs with hip-joint arthritis: Click this link.
Of course there is a lot of controversy regarding acupuncture, whether it is hocus pocus or actually has an effect let alone a benefit for the patient whatsoever, but those practicing acupuncture see the results on a daily basis and some of you might have experienced them by yourself.
Some Frequently Asked Questions answered by Dr. Dieter and Dr. Sigrun, the two surgeons in Blue Oasis Veterinary Clinic that perform the Gold Bead Implantation procedure:
Most commonly hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, spondylosis, chronic back pain caused by spondylopathy.
We personally did not see any complications on our patients so far.
As far as I am aware there should be no problems. Even a future MRI is not a contra-indication.
It varies a lot – from immediate effects within a day or so of the procedure to slow progressive improvement over a matter of weeks. In some cases the effect decreases over the years.
No, once implanted they cannot be removed. If a new condition occurs, that needs additional implants, the procedure can be repeated.
We helped several large breed dogs with dysplastic hips to live without ongoing pain medications, which have severe side effects on liver and kidneys
The earlier the better. Once the condition is diagnosed and confirmed with X-rays, the implantation should be performed to have maximum benefit.
Depending on the region(s) that are treated the price ranges from 3,000.– to 5,000.– AED plus the anaesthesia, depending on the size of the dog ranging from 500.– to 800.– AED (+ VAT)
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